Tuesday, January 25, 2005

We interrupt this broadcast to bring you...

*fade to white noise*

We interupt this broadcast to bring you a speical announsment!

A tiny rambling! I just want to say Arrrrrgggggg! Blogger is really irritating me recently. It's so S L O W dammit! I'm trying to surf other blogs and leave comments. The real problem is when I am trying to leave comments and it takes F O E V E R to load so I can leave a comment and then the same when I hit "save comment." I have given up trying to leave comments today on others blogs. It's just impossible! It's been this way for a couple of days and getting worse. Anybody else having these problems? I know it's not my net connection because other pages are loading just fine. Damn thing. Hummmfff.

On another note. I just wanted to thank all those that have been leaving comments. I have really enjoyed your comments. It's really great to read what your interpatations of my pictures are and how you view my words. So a big thank you for making it so fun and interesting! Great bunch of people out there :-)

Well... that's all the rambling!

We now return you to your schedualed broadcast...

*fade to white noise*
OK, im really pissed off with blogger :-( I'm trying to post this and getting problems. I try to edit about 5 times and it won't do what I want to do!!! I'm too fed up to post anything else today. Stay tuned. Photo and prose tomrrow :-)


Silence said...

Have the same problem, and whats even worse I dont know how to kick in order to make it work.


Martin said...

Hi :)

Well at least I know that I am not the only one. Guess they must have problems with thier servers? If they offer then I will gladly go and kick their servers! :-D

Best Wishes
- Luna -

Cristina said...

I know! I'm getting the same thing all the time but I thought it was just my connection. Ah, isn't cold comfort great? :P

Borya said...

Sometimes I have but mostly I don't. Maybe it depends on how many users are on? What I do is to leave that site I want to comment in peace for half a day and then I get it easily done. Patience, bloggers! :-)