Friday, September 09, 2005

It's a dangerous business...

"It’s dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the Road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to..." - Gandalf

Phew... have been so busy the last few weeks and even more busy these past few days. It seems that life sometimes becomes a grey highway with it's individual parts racing along it in a blur of colours and sounds.

Now I can forget everything pack up and head out beyond my door to who knows what. I raise a glass to adventure! In a little while I will be stepping out my door and let it sweep me to Spain and where ever it may take me. Hopefully I can blog my travels from Spain here. Wish me luck, and that my road is filled with many marvels. I hope we can share them in the coming days. And so... to adventure!

Best Wishes
- Martin 2005

Monday, September 05, 2005

Has been a very busy weekend getting together my stuff for holidays :-) I managed to get along to a boot sale ( mobile flea market? Not sure what Americans/Canadians call it ) and picked up some great books for just 20p each! I got:

StormBringer - Micheal Moorcock
Huckleberry Finn - Samuel L Clemens
Voyage to the City of the Dead - Alan Dead Foster
The Dragon Hoard - Tanith Lee
Weave World - Clive Barker
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

Yes... Cristina! I have Jane Eyre by Bronte :-D What a fantastic haul! My book mountain is vanishing into the clouds... but never mind :-D Books! Books! Books! You can never have enough of those :-D

Now the cool beyond cool. Sometimes, just sometimes, you stumble across something so cool that it's beyond cool. And this is it:
It's a short movie from of the Earth as seen from a N.A.S.A space probe as it's flies away from our planet. Very. Very. Cool. If they tell you there is no magic, don't believe them. It's all around us.

- Martin