Friday, February 25, 2005


It snowed just a little today...

What magic, what a gift, to wake one morning and find your world all dressed in white. One billion crystals cried together to fall and freeze and make the world white, and sparkle, and glisten. In the morning sunbeams gleam tangerine and train across the ice and make it glow. What magic. Night white snow is like a promise kept and a secret stored. It's all huuuuush and magic.

Imagine that each snow flake was a dove. Would the world be blanketed in peace? Would wounds of hate heal? Would smiles break out like sunbursts on the face of every person? How can you not feel the magic and the simple joy at snow falling. How can you not marvel at it's dance and if you get the chance to touch or taste it. And don't you want to dance with the snow! To swirl around as the snow falls in that shower of ice. How can the snow not make you believe in magic? Don't angels fluter their wings so feathers freeze and lay like this? Don't fairy go walking with buckets of stardust to cover every inch of ground. How can you not smile? How can you not?

Sorry the lack of updates and comments... Normal service resumed tomorrow :-D My best wishes :-)

Copyright 2005 - All rights reserved.


mermaid said...

I'm smiling...I'm smiling...

Martin said...

I'm I glad that you are :-) And wish you many more smiles!

Best Wishes

Borya said...

Go out and jump around in the snow like a little boy!!! You have all the time to post later.

Cristina said...

Love what you wrote!! :) My feelings exactly only you said it best :D

Anonymous said...

It's magic Luna magic... :o)
And no two snowflakes are alike..every one a unique "individual" - magic!

Martin said...

Borya, it was only a little but I liked what I had... and yes! I did go out in it :-D

Writersblock, glad I could lend you my eyes!

Cristina, nice you see it the same way :-)

M, thanks a lot for your comment! Feel the magic :-)

Blacksheep said...

I love the snow. I've lived in New England my whole life and most people complain about it, wish they were in the bahamas or Florida. Not me, when it starts snowing I go for a walk. It's so quiet, so peaceful and so beautiful that I could stand out there forever, watching the snow fall around me. I hope I never have to move somewhere it doesn't snow, I'll miss it to much.

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