CUTE! :-)
Photo taken at Greenwich Park. Squirrels are so damn cute. This one really seems to be enjoying his dinner!
Well, back after a slight absence! Not blogged out... just taking a rest and a change of pace :-) This is always a good thing! Doing the same ol in and out every day wears down my soul. Ah! And I haven't forgotten "Kingdom" It's still on going :-)
Been a nice long relaxing weekend here. Monday was a public holiday in the U.K but I also took of Today also. I have had a nice long relaxing four days doing not much of anything. I managed to read a whole novel in almost a day! I finished the last couple of chapters off this morning and started another. The book I was reading was by Harlan Coben

It's the story of a Doctor who gets shot twice in the chest. Upon waking up he learns his wife is dead and there is no trace of his baby girl. Some time later he gets a message telling him that he must pay a ransom if he wants to see his daughter alive again. It tells him not to contact the cops or do anything funny. There will be no second chance.
Harlan Coben is a very successful crime writer. I haven't read his work before, but I have heard many good things about them. I must say I wasn't very impressed. The prose comes across as very simplistic and cold. I don't feel the emotions that I should while reading it. Typical lines are "I stood at her grave feeling alone and sad." He just tells you in the simplest terms rather the showing you and making you feel something. One of my problems is that I am far too picky! I found many things that just made give a big "HUH?" because they made no sense or what not even explained at all.
OK, that's the bad points now on to the good points. He writes a good mystery. I was kept guessing all the way through and wanted to find out what was going on. He keeps the thrills and the spills and the action coming at a fast and constant pace. It pretty much never lets up.
I'm giving another of his novels a go called "Tell No One" and I am still not overly impressed. I would say he is simply average. If you want the equivalent of a movie block buster where you turn off your brain and just sit back and enjoy the noise and fury then his books are ideal for that. They make a nice change of pace. A bit of brain popcorn isn't a bad thing at all sometimes :-)
I'll be going off to Spain soon! I am very excited. I have a million things to do that I have not done. I always leave everything to the last moment. Awww it's just more exciting that way, isn't it? :-D
Martin - 2005