Sunday, July 10, 2005

I saw the angel...

"I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. " - Michelangelo Buonarroti.

Isn't that what all creation is? Isn't that the blank page thirsting for words? Isn't that the white canvas waiting for colour? The empty room waiting for the sounds of music to give the silence shape and hold our heart for awhile? This is what creativity is all about. It's about finding that angel and setting it free. It's the quest for something beautiful and giving it shape and form.

This is photography, for me. This is what I like the best. I'm walking around and looking for those angels. Those hidden angels! Views that show you the essence of a moment or a thing - it's very soul. That's the trick with photography. A glass bottle laying in the grass is just a glass bottle. This is the object. This is the thing. But if you look just right, you notice that star of sunlight trapped in it's bottom and the way the grass whispers at the side as it's moved by the wind.. There, that's the angel. That's the essence, the soul, the angel. This is what I like about photography. Everywhere there are angels.

As I pass through the world, I have, and always do look for those moments. When you take up photography it makes you think even more about those hidden angels. Those exquisite angels, those beautiful moments that you could find with the lens. I like the fact that photography reminds and trains me to look and reminds me that beauty is everywhere even in the ugly and mundane places.

I spent the day taking photographs. It was warm and sunny and I got some great shots that I am happy with. I hope I have some angels for you to see :-)

Now go... go free some angels. Go write, go paint, go draw, go photograph, go play some music, or go sing!

Best Wishes
- Martin


Just Me said...

i like your idea of angels.

i often feel that when taking photographs i am stopping a perfect moment in time especially when nature presents itself in all it's glory, just begging to be appreciated. i capture it so i can remember it again or show someone else what they weren't there to witness. how many times have we walked by & not seen the most perfect of things right at our feet? and you're right: it's all a matter of perspective. move a little to the right and the angel is revealed in all his/her glory.

isn't creativity what makes us human and seperates us from "lesser" animals?

Rashmi Patel said...

beautiful post. Very inspirational...

Borya said...

wasn't that what michelangelo said about his david?
oh, and we should forward this quote to megan..... :)

Martin said...

Just me It's nice that you feel it that way too. It's a good feeling when reading your comment and think ahhhh you know exactly what I am saying here.

You wrote, "how many times have we walked by & not seen the most perfect of things right at our feet? and you're right: it's all a matter of perspective. move a little to the right and the angel is revealed in all his/her glory." - This is it exactly! :-) And I really like that photography reminds me of this.

Everywhere there is beauty. It's as you say, just a question of shuffle just a little left or right to find it. Sometimes I am frustrated when taking photos because I know there is an angel to be found but just cannot find that angel or certain light to set it free.

"isn't creativity what makes us human and separates us from "lesser" animals?"

I do think so. It's imagination and wonder. Maybe that's why our world is so screwed up as imagination and wonder seem so lacking in so many.

Ray Ben Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. I'm glad to have given you something you found inspirational :-)

Borya I'm not sure of when the quote comes from exactly. I keep meaning to buy a book about his life ( although I have read of him ) He was a very interesting and extremely passionate artist.

You think she will like it? I'll forward it to her if I can find her email address, if not, then you can :-)

Best Wishes
- Martin

Cristina said...

Michelangelo just rocks! :D

Looking forward to seeing some of those pics you took yesterday too!!

Martin said...

Cristina Yes he does! :-D There are lots of great quotes from him. One amazing point is that he much preferred sculpture and architecture to painting! Look what he was able to do in painting and it was his third love!

Some photos of that day coming very soon! Watch this space :-) I saw some great things and have one very surprising photo & special photo that I'm really thrilled with! I'm so glad I had my camera that day! Intrigued? haha All will be revealed in time :-D

Best Wishes
- Martin

mermaid said...

Martin, you have described the reasons why artists change the world with their perspective. I especially loved the glass bottle description.

It's like the ocean, or singing, or healing for me. I learn something new every time. Hope to see your photographic perspectives soon!

Martin said...

Jennie I haven't seen that movie, but I keep hearing how good it is from people. I guess I better get around to watching that one.

I like the sound of the plastic bag scene. It's often the smallest things that are beautiful!

MermaidYes, I think you are right. The artists of the world remind us all of those hidden angels.

I do think life is full of lessons. I'm learning all the time. :-)

Best wishes
- Martin

Cristina said...

Oh don't forget Michelangelo also wrote poetry. Really, that man got so many innate artistic qualities!

Martin said...

Did he? I didn't know that :-) Shows you how much I know! Thanks for the info. I would like to read some of those!

Best Wishes
- Martin

Anonymous said...

Very well said, I remember my great grandmother told me something similiar about happiness. She said that you will always be happy if you just look around you and be there in your life, that a happy life is made of countless small happy moments and it was those quick bits of happiness that I would charish when I looked back at my life. She said that too many people waste their life searching for some big wonderful event to make them happy and they miss what they were looking so hard for.

Martin said...

RonnyHi - and thanks for the comment and visit :-)

Yes, I think your grandmother was exactly right and think the same thing. I think people look so hard and analyze so much trying to be happy that they aren't happy. They don't notice the small things. I think like is one moment after the next.

Best Wishes
- Martin

Anonymous said...

Ronny, I think your grandmother is so right about happiness. I also have my own thoughts…if you’ll indulge me…

- Some days it’s OK to say that X (whatever thing, responsibility or project we don’t like or want to deal with) stinks and we don’t want to do it. It doesn’t make it go away, but still it’s fine sometimes to walk around with a gray cloud over your head or say to yourself that being an adult is not all it’s cracked up to be. Humans are equipped to experience the full range of human emotions.

- Finding the right mate or companion is not going to make you happy. That person is an idealized version and therefore not a real person. Even if you meet who you think is the right person, you are probably going to project your ideals onto that person and therefore he/she is not going to meet your expectations. Take people as they are, warts and all.

- Life is a series of unexpected turns. It’s fine to have a general idea of where you would like your life to take you, but be prepared for surprises along the way. Some of those surprises will be unpleasant. I’m not one to believe that things happen for a reason or that we are to learn lessons from whatever happens to us. I tell myself whenever something unpleasant happens that “it is what it is.” Labeling such unexpected turns as bad doesn’t make them go away.

- Buying more stuff does not bring long-term happiness. Ottmar Liebert had a post about a thought-provoking book on consumerism run amok earlier this year at . I found this book to be an eye-opener. More info is at .

I’m done rambling… :-P Sorry about the long comment.

Just Me said...

marijose: i think it's time you started your own blog! :-)

Anonymous said...

*blushes* If I had my own blog it would have one of these formats: (1) nothing but one "test" post because I would not have time to update it or (2) long rambling posts like my comment above. Well, maybe someday. There is a time for everything and I feel that now is not a good time for me to blog. But I'll continue blog-hopping!

Martin said...

Marijose Hi again :-)

Firstly, please don't apologise for long comments! I like it! I prefer the more detailed comments so don't worry! Keep em coming! Your rambling was an interesting one.

Actually, your post reminded me a little of the poem desiderata Are you familiar with it?

OK, this is the long rambling to your rambling haha....

Firstly, in short: I agree with you and well said.

I do very much agree that there is no really bad thing. Everything in life will teach you something valuable and we can learn and grow if we are open to learn those lessons. I have had my share of very dark times. I always learn from them, maybe even more than the good times. And life is full of unexpected turns. I think you have to be prepared for them and go with the flow. Strive to be happy.

Things don't make you happy. One problem with our world is that so many people are trapped in the treadmill of consumerism. People are restless and unfulfilled. Their soul is dead and they think that buying something will make it better. Well, it does... for a few hours or days if you are really lucky. I often think that we so called "rich" nations are not so rich in the ways where it really counts and have lost and forgotten much.

Thanks for the interesting comment! I agree with "JUST ME" That you should get a blog :-D Well, as you said the time has to be right and you know that you have the passion and time for it. When the time is right, do let us know! :-)

Best Wishes
- Martin

Anonymous said...

I coudnt have put it any better, the way you have described the essence of taking photographs...I too shall try and find some of my own angels...again...:)

Just Me said...

Martin, I haven't heard this is so is wonderful, isn't it?

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Max Ehrmann

Martin said...

Anil Thank you :-) I wish you luck on your quest. I hope you find those angels.

Just me Yes! It's really a wonderful poem. I especially like the last line "With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy."

Thank you for posting it here :-)

I think poetry is best shared and lives with the soul of the voice. I was thinking of reading out loud some of my most loved poems on occasion and uploading them here on the blog... we shall see :-)

Best Wishes
- Martin

Anonymous said...

I think that is a good idea, I love sharing poems with people and they are always better read aloud.

Martin said...

Ronny It's better isn't it? Poems are so alive and heart felt that I think giving them voice and to share them is much better than simply read them.

Even when I read a book of poems to myself I often read them out loud :-)

Best Wishes
- Martin

Anonymous said...

I do too and I always remember them better if I've read them aloud a few times.

Martin said...

Ronny And I think that you can get to feel the heart and soul of the poem a lot better if you read them out loud. You get more in touch with it's rhythm and shape.

Best Wishes
- Martin

Borya said...

the best poem develops its power and might in silence. you don't notice it for a long time until it suddenly hits you. holy shit, you think, holding your hand against your mouth, looking doubtfully back the way you've come along, overwhelmed by what you were able to do...........