Monday, July 25, 2005

Good Morning Luna

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Good morning Luna

My eyes flickered open before the alarm clock had a chance to rouse me. I did my best zombie impression ( Urrraaaaahhh - not a morning person ) and then did all the required things: wash, brush teeth, make coffee! As I always do, I looked out of the window to see what the sky was like. This morning she was there, the moon :-)

I always get a kick out of seeing the moon in daylight. It seems something so magical! She was only there a short moment, as my camera clicked, the clouds devoured her. Only for a moment was I graced. I suppose this is a good metaphor for life. Nature is always trying to teach us this. There is no permanence. The flowers will die, the sunset will vanish, the sunlight fade to give way to shadows and dark places. She was only there for a moment. I am glad that I looked and thank her for the smile. I hope she gives you one too.

Today morning was wonderful! It's been so hot recently. You wake up and are blasted with hot light. Temperatures have been 20.c in the morning! Today was the first morning that actually seemed like morning! Cool wind like having silk caressed across your skin. The sky full of clouds, and the light soft and inviting. I want more mornings like this! :-)

This post was created and posted using blogging software called Qumana! You can download it at their web site: It's a really great bit of software. It's very easy to use! It's so much better than Blogger's clunky interface. I have been looking for a replacement for some time now. It features lots of things. Just a few are: WYSIWYG editing and post creation, spell checker, thesaurus, wide range of fonts and sizes, easy image integration, lots of formatting options, and much more. ( Is it me or do I sound like an advertisement? :-D ) But really, I found it great and easy to use! I'm happy to find it because Blogger's own posting area is so clunky and limited.

Martin - 2005


Just Me said...

sounds like good morning...but i can't see the picture! :-( it could be my system that has been slower than a snail's pace today.

everything will fade but at least you always know it will be there again, another day, another be enjoyed once again.

Martin said...

Ah! Sorry about that... technical problems with the new blogging software. Had a look at the FAQ and selecting "add image" doesn't actually upload it. You have to select to upload it first or you paste in the URL for the image hosting ( which is what I have been doing with blogger )

Anyway, now I know :-D

You should be able to see it now. :-)

Best Wishes
- Martin

Just Me said...

yes, i can! thanks for it's another beautiful photo!

Martin said...

Welcome! :-)

Glad that you like it, and I could share the moon!

Best Wishes
- Martin

Just Me said...

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." Buddha

Martin said...

JUST ME: Great quote! thank you for that one :-)

do you think he is also saying that beauty and the real important things cannot be hidden? It says that to me, at least :-)

- Martin

Luz said...

Very nice photo. Can you send some of that cool breeze our way!? Yes, the moon is magical.

mermaid said...

Martin, I had to smile, despite my second to last post. The moon is your salve for all wounds, as the ocean is mine.

Nature is a wonderful teacher, isn't she? I know she has another student across the Atlantic.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got such a picture to make your early morning worthwhile.

Did you ever think when you were young that the moon followed you? I did, I remember riding in the car I would always watch it and be so excited that it was following me :)

"The moon, like a flower
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight
Sits and smiles on the night."

Lobster Blogster said...

Good Morning.

Martin said...

MYSTIQUE: Thanks for the comment! Glad you liked the shot.

It was a very good morning! Today is another good one also! Grey clouds and soft light. I like it :-D

LUZ: Sure, some cool breeze heading your way via luna magic :-D I can imagine that it's really very hot where you are!

TRIS HUSSY: Thanks for the message! :-) Yeah, it seems really great. I have been looking for something like this program for ages! Good stuff, thanks!

MERMAID: Good to see you, and very glad you had a smile on your lips! :-)

Yes, nature is a good teacher. It's a shame not too many are listening to her words.

RONNY: You know, actually I DID think that!!! I haven't given it any thought all these years and it was forgotten. Now you say it, yes I did! I always used to watch it when I was walking or in a car and watch it travel with me. I could never work out how it was following :-D

And thanks for the poem! :-) Where did you find that one? Very nice!

LOBSTER BLOGSTER: Great name! It gave me a grin :-D

Good morning to you too!

- Martin

Anonymous said...

The poem is from William Blake, I'm glad someone else noticed the moon following them around, that is on of my favorite childhood memories, it always made me feel special and mysterious :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comment on my Front Doors blog. If you have the same fascination maybe you'd like to share photo(s) you have taken in the past on my blog. Of course you get the credit and I link back to your blog.
I love the photos you place on your blog, I'd be honored to see some of your photos of british front doors on my blog. The UK is not represented yet.

Ubermensch said...

Good Morning Luna ....
Such a lovely paradox..

Martin said...

RONNY: Thanks again for the poem and for coming back to post the poet's name!

Strange we should both think that about the moon! Maybe we are moon children! Magic and blessed children of the moon... or lunatics... I have a feeling that I am the latter :-D

/T/: You are welcome for the comment. I actually don't have any photos at the moment. It was a project I was planning to carry out some time, but it's been on the back burner! I would like to contribute though, so expect some photos your way when my time permits me!

UBER: Goodmorning... well night now! But hope that yours was a good one :-)

Yes, it's a wonderful paradox isn't it? Night meets day. Something so rare and lovely in the blue of the sky.

- Martin

Wendy said...

Very nice capture, the daytime moon! Somehow it does seem very magical. What amazes me is how I was seeing the same moon this morning on the other side of the world. Just as we share one moon, one earth, it reminds me of the simple and beautiful connection we souls have between one another and to this one world of ours.

Martin said...

WENDY: That's a great comment thanks! Yeah, it's inspiring to think we look up and see the same moon and stars.

- Martin