Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Valencia - Spain.

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Valencia, you always have my heart captured in your dust and light. Phantasmal Fragments of me always walks your dusty sun dripped streets, full of charm, and will walk them forever. Mi amiga, my hand will always be in your palm walking with your ghost.

Valencia, with your sweet Orxata sold by the cup or the bucket. With your sunset red rich chorizos, with your hot chocolate y churros, and with your tortilla patatas. Valencia with your abuelas y perros. Valencia with it's winter rain and the scent of junipers. And with your old squares with balconies and crumbling gothic churches that toll the time and make birds fly and coo.

Valencia, with your old market full of pirates and buccaneers selling their Aladdin wares in the dusty sun splashed square. Their ears full of rings, their hands full of coin, and their eyes watching.

Valencia, with your market where hands move as bargains argued to fruition amid fruits and a thousand rainbow shades of spice. The scent and sound of the market bursting like bubbles all around in a symphony of life.

Valencia, where I leaned so much. Valencia where I leaned to be me.

My heart is always with you, my friend, my soul, my Valencia.

Te echo de menos.

- Martin


Ubermensch said...

voila, im sure gonna go there!!

Wendy said...

This is very beautifully written Martin, I was never in Valencia but was in Spain in 79...reading this brought it back so close I could feel being there! I remember the men used to smell so good...on the trains, they wore a cologne which I think was German/European and very popular at the time. And the white clothing was sparkling white, sunbleached to brightness. Oh sorry, I am getting carried away!

Martin said...

UBER: Well, there are probably better places in Spain than Valencia. Maybe it's just because Valencia was my first taste of Spain. There always seems something special and charming about the place. Certainly everything you can find there you can find in the rest of Spain. But if it has enticed you to visit Spain then I am glad! :-D

WENDY: Thank you :-)

Don't worry about getting carried away! It was nice to read your words :-)

- Martin

keed said...

incredible words my poet friend. a beautiful city too.

Martin said...

BILLY: Thank you, and yes it is :-)

- Martin

Luz said...

nice photo and blog. I would've left my heart in Valencia myself!

Martin said...

ABRAHM: Thank you!

LUZ: You should visit Spain! :-D And thanks for the comment :-)

- Martin

Just Me said...

okay, spain is now definitely on my "to-do list".

btw...started jonathan strange and mr. norrel today. i think you neglected to mention that it was of epic proportions!

Martin said...

JUST ME: I should really start working for the Spanish tourist board! :-D

But yes, I think it's a great place! I hope you get to visit it some day :-)

Ah yes! Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrel is a bit of a monster, isn't it?! Actually I am almost finished. I was up till AM last night in bed reading it! I think I have about 50 pages left to go now.

How are you finding it so far? Some people said they found the first part of the novel a little slow, but I really liked it all. It just gets better and better. I do love that old usage of language though and so maybe that has something to do with my enjoyment!

Please do feel free to comment here or email me about the book. I would love to hear your thoughts and findings!

- Martin

. : A : . said...

Looks beautiful and Sapin is on my list of "must travel to" countries.

Martin said...

:A: Thanks for the comment! Of course it's obvious that I am a big fan of Spain so I am biased but I happen to think it's a place of much beauty, charm, and passions.

Also the coffee and food is excellent! :-D

Go go go!!! :-)

- Martin

Ubermensch said...

Me too, spain has been on my lingering on the mind for a while?

. : A : . said...

uber - Maybe we will bump into each other there.
